Economic Watch
Since 2004 : R&D Protocol
10/09/2018 17:23
Once equipped with a web-enabled PC relatively suited to meet my growing office automation requirements, I shifted into the right condition to further develop the matrix-empowered data mentalization work started in 2001 (with a view to modelling), when my mental over-efficiency disorder escalated into its "geyser phase" (episode of reject): the psychoanalysis of this focal memory overload, of which the massive eruption enabled the (re)collection, would help me to diagnose my psychic condition as a paradoxical form of (self-resolving) "point zero hyper[a]mnesia". As if the mission was not impossible enough, I was also running out of employment allowance time, by force of having to proceed by elimination, so much so that a "special examination protocol" (which remained unilateral for lack of a transparent specifications sheet that I would have accepted to sign) turned out to be the only remaining measure on the medical side - considering the notarial real estate embezzlement to which I was also delivered - likely to enable me to forward my hyper-case to the litigation section of the French State Council.Continue reading
Since 2013 : Usability
10/09/2018 16:51
The validation of the user experience with regard to the usability of the R&D protocol in development since 2004, whose systemic perimeter of application now extended to society as a whole, consisted in encouraging all target audiences to participate in the thought process to be unfolded by the publication of a concrete case study in the field of strategic implementation, pertaining to the audit in progress of the value chain underlying the production process of web contents. This NetPlusUltra®-sustained Netfolio project enabled the Mac-based consolidation of the methodological approach formulated under Windows XP during the comparative study of both operating systems, which I initiated in 2006, and constituted the first of the four levels of aggregation to be integrated into a proof of concept as part of my global feasibility audit.Continue reading
2019 : Referral Procedure
10/09/2018 16:27
Second graphic remastering cycle (part 1/2):
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