2007-2009 : European Law
10/09/2018 17:15 Indexed under: Phase 1 | Integrative Watch
In front of a geopolitical conflict of interests profoundly rooted in two culturally diverging visions of networking (American vs. European approach), the time was right to put the contractual strategy elaborated in 2006 to the test of the European code of intellectual property, all the more so as my priority was now to unify my countless restoration points into a theory of everything having the force of a proof of concept. For a whole spectrum of medical, personal and professional reasons pertaining to the systemic nature of my case, the exercise required a thorough examination of the geopolitical context of the times before my birth (1950ies and 1960ies), with a view to reconsidering the latter in light of a whole range of new elements of which I had no knowledge at the time of my cognitive episode of June 2000. This part of my research finally came to an end in late 2009, when I declared my instruction phase 1/3 as terminated, considering that the latter was getting mired in paper for lack of an adequate funding solution which would have enabled a restitution of findings in the form of a conceptual showcase model having the force of precedent.Continue reading