2001 : Holistic Redefinition of Priorities
10/09/2018 17:36 Indexed under: Point 0
Against all odds, the insoluble unknown father enigma, which, until this unexpected mutation, had paradoxically barred the way to wellness by fueling a protean cognitive dissonance upon which I exhausted myself to preserve some form of precognitive ascendency, would rapidly impose itself as a figurative counter-representation finally "incarnate", in the sense that it (re)opened a privileged access to the fifth dimension: stereoptically self-guided along a royal way which now redeployed itself into a therapeutic matrix of which I was the source code, the challenge was more than ever to thwart the game plans of an evil ghost protocol of which I had phobically engrammed all parameters into a cumbersome telemetric black box that only I could decypher.Continue reading