Flashbacks to the Future
10/09/2018 17:29
2003-2012 : The Virtual Incubator
Windows-enabled instruction phase 1/3.Continue readingSince 2003 : Web Incubation
10/09/2018 17:26
With such a metacognitive power finally unleashed, I found myself supernaturally enabled to redirect my professional project into the field of virtual incubation as applied to web-sustained business creation, all the more so as my new mind-body condition did not leave me much of a better alternative, since I was now more than ever the holistic solution to my own problem of systemic "embarkedness". The only shadow in the picture, now that I was literally self-empowered by the right "(yet to be deciphered) R&D blackbox" to venture into a finally conceivable future, resided in the desperately obsolescent nature of all existing measures in the areas of self-employment and business creation.Continue reading
Since 2004 : R&D Protocol
10/09/2018 17:23
Once equipped with a web-enabled PC relatively suited to meet my growing office automation requirements, I shifted into the right condition to further develop the matrix-empowered data mentalization work started in 2001 (with a view to modelling), when my mental over-efficiency disorder escalated into its "geyser phase" (episode of reject): the psychoanalysis of this focal memory overload, of which the massive eruption enabled the (re)collection, would help me to diagnose my psychic condition as a paradoxical form of (self-resolving) "point zero hyper[a]mnesia". As if the mission was not impossible enough, I was also running out of employment allowance time, by force of having to proceed by elimination, so much so that a "special examination protocol" (which remained unilateral for lack of a transparent specifications sheet that I would have accepted to sign) turned out to be the only remaining measure on the medical side - considering the notarial real estate embezzlement to which I was also delivered - likely to enable me to forward my hyper-case to the litigation section of the French State Council.Continue reading
Since 2005 : National Level
10/09/2018 17:20
After the psychoanalysis of both my audiovisual mnemonic film reels and the dreamlike elaborations produced during my total-recall geyser phase (when my brain regurgitated entire graphic circuits waiting to be modelized for further interpretation), and the restoration of a gigantic puzzle of photographic contents, against the background of the "cine-cure" I initiated to this end in 2003, the big systemic framework of past, present and future trends which conditioned my life project was finally ready, i.e. "pre-mentalized", for the instruction to which I was headed with a view to an exhaustive clarification of the situation, considering the daily harassment that kept poisoning my atmosphere through prefabricated rumors. The preparation of my request to the French State Council, and the subsequent examination thereof, enabled me to define both the main subject matter areas of my web franchise-based Unified Conceptual Declaration, and the legal strategy of my virtual enterprise, with a view to achieving an effective preventive protection of (the intellectual property of) families and individuals against all forms of sectarian interference, whether governmental or private.Continue reading
Since 2006 : International Level
10/09/2018 17:17
The evolution of the instruction resulted directly from the findings of my anamnesis-oriented soul investigation, considering that I was defining my web services with a self-applied R&D focus, along with the ongoing analysis and restoration of all forms of memories in need of reconciliation. In 2006, when my meta-cognition finally restabilized itself at its (newborn) point of (traumatic) equilibrium, I found the right inspiration to develop the hyper-modular architecture of my web franchising system, against the background of the virtual reintegration (by digitization) of all contents processed during my academic years of study (international context of my 1990ies), in the (chrono-) logical continuation of the school path which I retraced in 2005 (national context of my 1980ies). During this new stage of development, it became necessary to secure - in the form of an initial feasibility audit introduced under the Patent Cooperation Treaty - the future patent protection of my web concept solution: considering indeed that my brain, as a digital fortress, was a perfectly reliable "safe deposit sandbox", the business-critical contents where much safer in my "incubator head", which allowed the preview of a future global solution, than in detached pieces of instruction on remote third-party servers.Continue reading
2007-2009 : European Law
10/09/2018 17:15
In front of a geopolitical conflict of interests profoundly rooted in two culturally diverging visions of networking (American vs. European approach), the time was right to put the contractual strategy elaborated in 2006 to the test of the European code of intellectual property, all the more so as my priority was now to unify my countless restoration points into a theory of everything having the force of a proof of concept. For a whole spectrum of medical, personal and professional reasons pertaining to the systemic nature of my case, the exercise required a thorough examination of the geopolitical context of the times before my birth (1950ies and 1960ies), with a view to reconsidering the latter in light of a whole range of new elements of which I had no knowledge at the time of my cognitive episode of June 2000. This part of my research finally came to an end in late 2009, when I declared my instruction phase 1/3 as terminated, considering that the latter was getting mired in paper for lack of an adequate funding solution which would have enabled a restitution of findings in the form of a conceptual showcase model having the force of precedent.Continue reading
2010-2012 : Showcase Modelling
10/09/2018 17:12
The anamnesis-sustained professional webwatch activity which I engaged into in September 2000, with a view to dismantling - by knowledge virtualization - the critical mass effect inherent in my cognitive overflow syndrome, started to bear fruit in early 2010, when I finally found myself empowered to modelize the global incidence matrix pertaining to the genesis of the uncanny "AlphatraZ paradox" underlying my multimedial "point zero hyper[a]mnesia". This transitional phase of preparation of the return of experience which I needed to publish to represent my case, came to an end in June 2012, when my Windows PC finally locked itself into an infinite loop around an OS registry default, after more than eight years of counter-investigation of a perfectly abusive sectarian interference.Continue reading